Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thing #9 Newfeeds,etc...

I spent sometime looking through these different sights and WOW, there is so much out there. You could spend days and never touch the surface. The article on choosing your circle of wisdom was a good one.

I like google blog search best if I am going to search for blogs on a topic. It is very easy to use and is more like the kind of searches and results I'm use to doing and getting. I looked at the lib. blogs on suprglue and saw the blog from my librarian there. That was cool! :) The only thing that was surprising was that they put her blog on as one that doesn't have an RSS feed but I was able to add her on to my google reader and if you click on her blog page, the feed icon lights up on my toolbar. So, I don't know...

Topix is actually my favorite to use and I added on a couple of topci feeds from here. With the elections coming, I was able to get quite abit on both McCain and Obama. What I like is that you get news, articles, and peoples comments all together on your topic of choice. All from different parts of the US. So far, I've realized that I not as interested in reading random blogs on topics as I am reading articles and then the comments about the article. That may change as I try to build my circle of wisdom as suggested...

Technorati was ok. Not as easy as google but not bad. Syndic8 is my least favorite. When I put in a topic, I didn't really understand what came up and was less interested in really spending time with it since I like the others. I may go back to it but for now I'll continue with what I like. And actually, my reader has enough info that I'm good for a little while. However, I can see my reader changing often. Loving the learning! :)

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