Friday, July 25, 2008

Thing #7: Google

This is a link to the notebook page I started about Greece. I believe I exported it as a web page to put on here. Some friends and I are planning a trip for potentially spring break and this is a great way to find and keep relevant information on the trip. What's wonderful is that I set it up to share with them so that they can read and add info as well.

There is definitely more to google than just searching. Through our amazing librarian, I had heard of google earth and its potential in school. It was great to learn a little about all of these things. I wish I would have known about google scholar in grad school!

I spent sometime exploring google docs. This, I love! I am part of the leadership team at my school and consequently apart of the trainings for DDI. Google Docs would have been and will be VERY useful for our trainings. I set up a page so that I can upload the powerpoints that we use and then we'll be able to edit and change and let each other know without either meeting or sharing back and forth through email as we had done in the past. That did not work so well. This is an answer to a prayer. :)

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