Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thing # 12 Comments

I will add to this as time passes and as was an option. However, I needed this to be numerically correct. :)

I have to start out by saying that I've been a lurker. I've looked through other blogs but had not left comments. That's changing now. Others have written interesting things and it's important to let them know that. I agree with coolcat, that comments are important.

There were two things that struck me the most about commenting. One is to be polite and comment meaningfully. Saying, me too or right on or whatever doesn't really add much. When you comment directly and specifically to what has been written it adds value. It's kind of the same as when we compliment students. Specificity means more then generalities.

The other thing I think important about commenting is disagreeing respectfully and diplomatically. It is ok to disagree or have a different opinion. In fact, that's part of how we grow and learn but it is not ok to be rude. Rudeness can stop a conversation and stagnate growth. Respect and diplomatic opinions can further open minds to different kinds of thinking.

So, I'll practice what I preach by commenting and commenting specifically and respectfully.


Unknown said...

I found this site while reading another Libray2Play blog
wouldn't it be fun to use it with
4th grade?

Dyanna said...

Thanks for passing on the site. I took a look and I agree it would be great to use with the 4th graders. Some of the sentences are hilarious. Let's keep this in mind for next year...